Parents may please note that no student is permitted to bring cell phone in the school campus. This has been banned. In case of defaulter, the cell phone (mobile) shall be confiscated.
Good behaviour and respectful attitude tawards the staff, seniors and the people in general must be observed.
Students must maintain discipline in and outside the school.
Writing anything on shcool walls, Furniture, notice board etc, will face strict action.
Students shall wear the prescribed uniform in the school. It should be neat and clean.
Students are forbidden to smoke to use chewing gums, drinking Al, and to do any other improper act in the school.
Children coming back to school without any note from their parents will be questioned.
If any student create indiscipline his name will struct off from the school otherwise punishment will be given as a fine.
Students will keep their I.D. Card all time in school hours.
Student shall participate in co-curricular activities also.
It is compulsory for all students and teachers to use English language for academic work as well as for conversation in the school premises.
It is illegal for drive motor vehicles without diving licence. So students are prohibited to come in school on bike, car, etc, without Licence.
Hindi, English, Maths
Hindi, English, Math, Science, S.St., Computer, G.K.
Hindi, English, Math, Science, S.St., Punjabi/Skt., Computer, G.K.
Hindi, English, Math, Science, S.St., Punjabi/Skt./Phy. Edu., Computer, G.K.